vineri, 22 aprilie 2011

Apă pentru elefanţi - National Novel Writing Month si un roman de 50.000 cuvinte

Tocmai când era pe punctul de a susţine examenul final la facultatea de medicină veterinară, Jacob Jankowski îşi pierde părinţii într-un accident de maşină. În urma acestei tragedii, tânărul lasă totul în urmă şi se alătură Fraţilor Benzini, un circ ambulant care încearcă să supravieţuiască Marii Crize economice din anii '30. După "Constantine" (2005) şi "I Am Legend" (2007), "Water for Elephants" este al treilea lungmetraj al cineastului Francis Lawrence. 

Pelicula ecranizează romanul omonim, scris de Sara Gruen pentru National Novel Writing Month, un concurs literar care constă în scrierea unui roman de 50.000 de cuvinte într-o lună. =>

Asa a pornit totul !

Young Writers Program

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) challenges adults to write a 50,000-word novel, from scratch, in the month of November.

The NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program also takes place in November, offering a similarly exhilarating prose adventure (with age-appropriate word-count goals) for 12-and-under authors and those taking part in NaNoWriMo as part of a K-12 classroom. In addition to motivation-raising goodies for the young writers, NaNoWriMo provides teachers, youth librarians, and homeschooling parents with free curriculum and lesson plans to help get kids and teens excited about writing. In 2009, over 35,000 students took part in National Novel Writing Month’s Young Writers Program.

Script Frenzy brings the hands-on, inclusive approach of NaNoWriMo to the world of screenplays, stage plays, graphic novels, and TV scripts.
In the Script Frenzy Young Writers Program, kids and teens spend March taking part in a fun, four-week online boot camp to help get them up to speed on plot, characters, and scriptwriting conventions. After a month of learning and practicing, they try their hands at writing their own movies, plays, TV shows, or comic book scripts in April.


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