duminică, 23 decembrie 2018

Discover the World’s Best Submission Platform - filmfreeway.com

Discover the World’s Best Submission Platform



Discover Amazing Festivals

Browse thousands of the world’s top film festivals and creative contests.

Submit with a Click

Add your project once, select your favorite festivals, and click to submit.

Wait for Good News

Festivals review your work privately and notify you when you’re selected.

List Your Event

List your festival free on one simple page. Begin receiving entries in minutes.

Receive Entries

Receive high quality submissions from our global community of 700,000+ amazing storytellers and artists.

Manage Simply

View projects, track submissions, manage judging, communicate with entrants, all in one simple place.

Sell Tickets to Your Event

Create an event listing for free or add
tickets to your existing listing and begin
selling tickets in minutes.

Promote Your Event

Use built-in promotional tools
to invite people to your event, boost
sales, and expand your audience.

Manage Attendees

Track sales, manage attendees, create
guest lists, scan tickets, and organize a
great event seamlessly.

Enter Festivals and Contests

FilmFreeway is always 100% free for submitters.

Receive Submissions
Free Events
FilmFreeway is 100% free for events that don't charge entry fees.
Festivals that charge entry fees and use other submission methods pay a simple commission of just 8.5%.
Festivals that charge entry fees and use FilmFreeway as the exclusive way your festival accepts submissions receive discounted pricing and benefits
  • 6% Commission
    Reduced from standard 8.5%
  • Free Ticket Sales
    Sell tickets with zero fees! Only pay credit card processing (3% + $0.30).
  • 20% Off All Marketing Services
    Save 20% off the standard price of all Marketing Services

Sell Tickets


Free Events

100% free for events with free tickets.

Both you and your attendees pay absolutely nothing.
No hidden fees.
+ 3% credit card processing

Events with Ticket Fees

No contracts, no set up costs, no hidden fees.

Plus, you can choose to absorb fees or pass fees to buyers.

Find out how to sell tickets for free!
The Exclusive Pricing Plan requires Festival to use FilmFreeway as the exclusive means by which it accepts 100% of its submissions.
Due to fees FilmFreeway must pay to its credit card processing company, a $0.30 cents per submission fee applies to the Preferred Pricing Plan and submissions priced below $10.

Give Us a Call
Phone: (604) 229-0600
Toll free: (800) 840-8870
Email Us
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. PST
500-666 Burrard Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6C 3P6

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